Lori J. Cerato
Lori J. Cerato
Attorney at Law

Practice Areas

Elder Law - includes a wide array of services for the elderly and their families or caregivers. Attorney Cerato assists with the preparation of Last Wills and Testament, Advance Health Care Directives (Living Wills), Health Care Proxies, Powers of Attorney, Trusts and other documents required for efficient Estate Planning. Medicaid applications and appeals, long term care planning, asset protection planning and guardianships of incapacitated persons are also included in Attorney Cerato's practice.

A consultation with an elder law attorney can alleviate many fears and provide a great deal of information to the client, making difficult choices a little easier and opening the door for communication among family members. Attorney Cerato authors a monthly column on elder law issues published the first Wednesday of every month in The Pocono Record's Sage Section. If you would like to receive an Estate Planning Packet from Attorney Cerato, please email, write or telephone our office.

Estate Administration - When a loved one dies, there are particular responsibilities for the Executor or Administrator of the Estate. Attorney Cerato can prepare the Petition for Grant of Letters and escort the Executor or Administrator to the Register of Wills Office for the swearing of the oath and the granting of Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration. Attorney Cerato's office is conveniently located just one block from the Monroe County Courthouse in Stroudsburg, making the initial administration procedure easy and time saving for the client. Thoughtful representation continues through the administration process including preparation of the Pennsylvania Inheritance tax return, Inventory, Family Settlement Agreement or First and Final ccounting to finalize probate or administration.

Orphan's Court Litigation - Attorney Cerato represents clients throughout all phases of Orphan's Court litigation including guardianships and Motion, Petition and Hearing practice relative to fiduciary responsibilities and estate administration. Attorney Cerato is an experienced appellate attorney advocating for clients before the Pennsylvania Superior and Supreme Courts, United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania and even the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Fees - Clients generally are concerned about the costs of legal services. Some matters can be handled on an hourly basis and others as a set fee. All client needs are carefully considered with each matter and a written fee agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of representation. Please contact Attorney Cerato's office for information about her current fee schedule.

Attorney at Law
729 Sarah St.
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone (570) 424-3506
Fax (570) 424-8557
Email: cerato@ptd.net